Shahrukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starred in the movie 'Om Shanti Om', which made tremendous earnings on 10. Along with the story many big Bollywood stars are full of tales. The film, which was directed by Farah Khan, was a great discussion of the song 'Dewangi', filmed with box office in 2007. The film's cinematography was done by famess cinematographer V. Manikandan. But did you know that Manikandan did a small role in the film too
In an they got ready.
- Let me tell you that Manikandan had seen shooting of South Indian film 'Mind It' in the film.interaction with an English website, Manikandan had told that he had no intention of acting. But when Farah expressed the desire that his crew members also act in the film,
In an they got ready.
- Let me tell you that Manikandan had seen shooting of South Indian film 'Mind It' in the film.interaction with an English website, Manikandan had told that he had no intention of acting. But when Farah expressed the desire that his crew members also act in the film,
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