Actor Sanjay Khan is writing biography, which he has given as 'My Best Mistakes' These biographies will come in the new year. In a recent interview given by Sanjay, he said that he will share many things related to his life, career and relationship in this book. It is also being speculated about their biopic whether they will disclose about Jinnat Aman and his relation in this? Well, this is his personal mater, but today you are going to tell the story related to Sanjay Khan and Jeetat Aman in this package. This is that story ...
Tales of Jeetat Aman and Sanjay Khan's affair have also become the headlines of B-Town. There were reports that both of them had secretly married during the shooting of the film 'Abdullah'. It is said that Sanjay Khan was a short tempter and he often used to beat Jeetat. Once he had beaten Jeanette's publicly fiercely, which led to the light of one of his eyes.
Tales of Jeetat Aman and Sanjay Khan's affair have also become the headlines of B-Town. There were reports that both of them had secretly married during the shooting of the film 'Abdullah'. It is said that Sanjay Khan was a short tempter and he often used to beat Jeetat. Once he had beaten Jeanette's publicly fiercely, which led to the light of one of his eyes.
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