Indian cricketer Bhubaneswar Kumar today married Noida girl Nupur Nagar. This wedding took place in Meerut. On 20th November, Bhubaneswar returned from Sri Lanka after playing Test matches against Sri Lanka. Due to marriage, they will not be included in the second test starting on November 24. On 22nd November Bhubaneswar's turmeric, henna and music were rituals. In this, his sister looked very enjoying
Bhuji's fiancé is named Nupur Nagar. They are also living in Meerut's Ganganagar like Bhavya. Both of these families were neighbors there.
Nupur, after studying from Meerut's JP Academy, took an engineering degree from a private institution in Noida. He is currently working as an engineer job in a multinational company in Greater Noida.
- Both of these fathers are retired from the police department. Bhubaneswar's father is Kiranpal Singh, while Nupur's father's name is Yashpal Singh Nagar. Bhubaneswar and Nupur know each other since childhood.
Bhuji's fiancé is named Nupur Nagar. They are also living in Meerut's Ganganagar like Bhavya. Both of these families were neighbors there.
Nupur, after studying from Meerut's JP Academy, took an engineering degree from a private institution in Noida. He is currently working as an engineer job in a multinational company in Greater Noida.
- Both of these fathers are retired from the police department. Bhubaneswar's father is Kiranpal Singh, while Nupur's father's name is Yashpal Singh Nagar. Bhubaneswar and Nupur know each other since childhood.
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