There was a dispute between the children on Friday night at the time of Dwarpuja (Dwarkar). In the meantime, someone slapped the bride's cheek. With this, angry girl people refused marriage. After a long panchayat, the matter reached the police station. The police brought the bridegroom and bridegroom to the police station and then got married.
Chibaramu was married to a young man named Anoop, a resident of the New Township of Kotwali area. People from the girl side came from Asalat Ganj of Rasulabad police station in Kanpur country.
There was a dispute between the children at the time of Dwarkar's wedding ceremony. In the meantime, someone slapped the bride's cheek. It worsened the thing.
-People of the girl's side started taking brides. During this time the groom caught the bride's father. The pressure to get everyone back and get married. At the same time, the police reached the notice when the information was received.
-Police brought the bride's father and groom to the police station. Since then many people have been staying in the police station all day long.
The groom said, the girl should call back and get married. There is no riot with the buoy.
The girl's father Santosh said, her sister has become disgraced. Only after their consent will they get married. They've called them back.
Chibaramu was married to a young man named Anoop, a resident of the New Township of Kotwali area. People from the girl side came from Asalat Ganj of Rasulabad police station in Kanpur country.
There was a dispute between the children at the time of Dwarkar's wedding ceremony. In the meantime, someone slapped the bride's cheek. It worsened the thing.
-People of the girl's side started taking brides. During this time the groom caught the bride's father. The pressure to get everyone back and get married. At the same time, the police reached the notice when the information was received.
-Police brought the bride's father and groom to the police station. Since then many people have been staying in the police station all day long.
The groom said, the girl should call back and get married. There is no riot with the buoy.
The girl's father Santosh said, her sister has become disgraced. Only after their consent will they get married. They've called them back.
- After reaching the police station on both sides, the Panchayat started. There was an agreement between the two sides late night. Then there were 7 rounds in the police station and all the rituals of marriage were felicitated by the bride and groom.
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