In the year 2010, a sex video of Swami Nityanand was leaked with the Tamil film Actress Ranjita. In it, Ranjita Nityanand was reportedly in an abusive situation. Both of them had demanded the investigation, describing this video as 'Marfard'. According to the reports, after 7 years, the Central Forensic Lab has now confirmed that the person present in the video was Nityanand and Ranjita. Before this, the forensic lab of Bangalore had also said that there was no tampering with the video.
- Ranjitha's real name is Silmisa aka Srivalli. Ranji, born June 4, 1975, has also been a volleyball player.
- Director P Bhartiraja launched Ranjeeta in Kollywood by the Tamil film 'Nadodi Thandral' in 1992. Ranjita worked in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada films.
- Ranjitha's real name is Silmisa aka Srivalli. Ranji, born June 4, 1975, has also been a volleyball player.
- Director P Bhartiraja launched Ranjeeta in Kollywood by the Tamil film 'Nadodi Thandral' in 1992. Ranjita worked in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada films.
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