Periphery Bhatnagar once again waved his crown in the beauty competitiveness. This time he wore the Misses India Queen-2010 crown in Delhi. In the 2017 Misses India Queen 2017 organized by Fashion Fiesta Jaya Handa, New Delhi, 90 participants from 11 States participated
Ankur Bhatnagar, periphery of Chittorgarh, left behind all while continuing in 8 consecutive rounds. Perimeter accompanied by two Misses Beauty of Propose and two awards and Mrs. Atmita's prizes.
It is worth mentioning that Arjuna, wife of VHP district minister Sudhir Bhatnagar, has been appointed by the child welfare committee as its counselor due to this talent.
Ankur Bhatnagar, periphery of Chittorgarh, left behind all while continuing in 8 consecutive rounds. Perimeter accompanied by two Misses Beauty of Propose and two awards and Mrs. Atmita's prizes.
It is worth mentioning that Arjuna, wife of VHP district minister Sudhir Bhatnagar, has been appointed by the child welfare committee as its counselor due to this talent.
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