The bride was missing on Saturday after returning to Mumbai from Pataliputra-Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Express on the Itarsi-Bhusal railway line. The bride disappeared by telling her to go to the toilet when the train arrives at Itarsi junction. While looking for the bride, along with the bridegroom, reached the GRP police station of Itarsi station. Find the bride out here, but she could not be seen anywhere. Chhatrapati Sharma of Mumbai lodged a report of missing in the ITSG GRP police station at 5:30 pm in the evening of Navwahita Woho Preeti Pooja (25). However now after the bride's disappearance, questions are being raised in many ways. After all, the bride chose the Itarsi station to land. Has his friend already got there?
-Remember that the reservation of the groom and his family was in Jabalpur from Pataliputra Super Express ACB-1 coach. Sitting on the train at around 2 pm on Friday-Saturday night. Coach was a member of Chhatrapati, Dulhan Preity and family. On Saturday morning, at around 6:30 am, the train came on platform 6. Dulhan Preeti told her mother-in-law, "I will come to the toilet." Meanwhile the train started running, but the bride did not come. Dreaded, saas went to the toilet and saw Praty there too. The frightened lady came back in the coach and told the bride not to let the bride do not wake up.
-Remember that the reservation of the groom and his family was in Jabalpur from Pataliputra Super Express ACB-1 coach. Sitting on the train at around 2 pm on Friday-Saturday night. Coach was a member of Chhatrapati, Dulhan Preity and family. On Saturday morning, at around 6:30 am, the train came on platform 6. Dulhan Preeti told her mother-in-law, "I will come to the toilet." Meanwhile the train started running, but the bride did not come. Dreaded, saas went to the toilet and saw Praty there too. The frightened lady came back in the coach and told the bride not to let the bride do not wake up.
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