Comedian Kapil Sharma is ready to return to the TV. According to the reports, Kapil will once again see the audience shouting with his entire team through 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. But in the show Sunil Grover will not be there. The talks between Kapil and Sunil are closed after the flight fights in March. Some time ago, Kapil had talked with his close friend Amrit Pratipal Singh about the real life of Kapil. Here are some special points of conversation.
According to Pratibha, Kapil was killed on the sets of Kapil Sharma's co-star Kishore Kumar during the Punjab schedule of Upcoming film 'Firangi'.
Kapil, who came to Amritsar with Kid's dead body, Kapil did not only help the Kishore family but also today he is also taking responsibility for his children's education.
According to Pratibha, Kapil was killed on the sets of Kapil Sharma's co-star Kishore Kumar during the Punjab schedule of Upcoming film 'Firangi'.
Kapil, who came to Amritsar with Kid's dead body, Kapil did not only help the Kishore family but also today he is also taking responsibility for his children's education.
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