In the name of Captain Cool, MS Dhoni also got angry, but his method of telling him was different. This is disclosed with Dhoni and Indian cricketer Suresh Raina. Raina said in the Sports Anchor Gaurav Kapoor's show 'Breakfast With Champions' that Dhoni was not so cool on the field. He also shared some moments of Dhoni's captaincy
According to Suresh Raina, 'Mahi (Dhoni) did not show his anger. For the second, it was very difficult to see that Dhoni is getting angry. '
- 'You can not predict what is going on in his mind after seeing his face. He used to be angry many times, but he did not express it. '
- 'After the end of an over, when the cameras were closed and there was an ad break on the TV, then Dhoni said to the player, you better go.'
It is worth mentioning that Dhoni and Raina are the best players on the cricket field, and off-field is good friends too. In IPL, both of them played for the same team with 8 years Chennai SuperKing.
According to Suresh Raina, 'Mahi (Dhoni) did not show his anger. For the second, it was very difficult to see that Dhoni is getting angry. '
- 'You can not predict what is going on in his mind after seeing his face. He used to be angry many times, but he did not express it. '
- 'After the end of an over, when the cameras were closed and there was an ad break on the TV, then Dhoni said to the player, you better go.'
It is worth mentioning that Dhoni and Raina are the best players on the cricket field, and off-field is good friends too. In IPL, both of them played for the same team with 8 years Chennai SuperKing.
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