Piyush Sahdev, who played the character of Lord Rama in the TV show 'Havih' and 'Lord of Devas: Mahadev', has recently been arrested for rape charges. At present, Piyush is in judicial custody until November 27. An entertainment website has made some shocking revelations in this matter. According to sources, Piyush was involved with a second person in addition to the Creative Person of his own show.
According to the information, Piyush went with a model-actress on a long vacation, and during this time both of them were physically intimate. The actress felt that Piyush had actually attached her with emotionally and started loving her. But when these couples came back from the wake, Piyush started absorbing it.
- It was a great hurting for the actress. Then the actress said to Piyush, "If your attitude remains the same then I will do the police." But it did not have any effect. Inverted Piyush had threatened that if he thought of doing something like that, then he would leak his personal photographs on social media.
According to the information, Piyush went with a model-actress on a long vacation, and during this time both of them were physically intimate. The actress felt that Piyush had actually attached her with emotionally and started loving her. But when these couples came back from the wake, Piyush started absorbing it.
- It was a great hurting for the actress. Then the actress said to Piyush, "If your attitude remains the same then I will do the police." But it did not have any effect. Inverted Piyush had threatened that if he thought of doing something like that, then he would leak his personal photographs on social media.
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