After this year's Bahubali, along with the film's hero Prabhas, his devasena Anushka Shetty also has a lot of headlines. The duo's pair is irresponsible to watch the viewer together once. Not only that, before Anushka and Bahubali, Prabhas worked together in many films. But then his hit screen chemistry did not hit as much. On the pair of these days after Bahubali, everyone looked up. Not only this, but also, where began to bind, that both of them are going to get married early in marriage. But Prabhas broke the silence on his marriage and said that he is currently focusing in his films. But if B is considered to be news, then Anushka heart hurts heavily for someone else. This person does not keep up with the film industry. Rather they have no break in the game of cricket.
During a recent interview, Anushka told that he liked seeing cricket as well because he used to be watching it. This person is none other but the 'The Wall' of cricket is Rahul Dravid. They told me that I like them very well since childhood. To see them so much, I started watching cricket matches too. They had a lot of love for me since then.
During a recent interview, Anushka told that he liked seeing cricket as well because he used to be watching it. This person is none other but the 'The Wall' of cricket is Rahul Dravid. They told me that I like them very well since childhood. To see them so much, I started watching cricket matches too. They had a lot of love for me since then.
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