Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan celebrated their six-year birthday celebrations yesterday. To celebrate the birthday of the most beloved member of his family, this Bollywood hot couple chose Mumbai's high-end hotel.
Papa Abhishek Bachchan seemed quite tired with Mumma Aishwarya Rai after the Birthday Bash of Aaradhya but after seeing her love, she said that this party was very engrossed.
Ash and Abhishek chose Combination of Black and White colors for this Birthday Bash of Aryadh.
Amitabh Bachchan wrote to Aaradhya Bachchan on his block before joining this party, 'Its presence fills happiness in our house'. Apart from this, the superstar of the century shared a photo with Aaradhya on his social media account.
Papa Abhishek Bachchan seemed quite tired with Mumma Aishwarya Rai after the Birthday Bash of Aaradhya but after seeing her love, she said that this party was very engrossed.
Ash and Abhishek chose Combination of Black and White colors for this Birthday Bash of Aryadh.
Amitabh Bachchan wrote to Aaradhya Bachchan on his block before joining this party, 'Its presence fills happiness in our house'. Apart from this, the superstar of the century shared a photo with Aaradhya on his social media account.
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