A student died during the sports at the Bharat Mata Public School in Isagarh, in the city. The family of the child wandered around for eight hours in the hope of his being alive. Earlier, before the funeral, the child's eye was open and the hope of surviving was in place
Actually, the sports meet was going on in the school. Saturday morning at 10.15 am, the children of 11th were 200 meters running.
- At the end of the race, the students, who came to number three, fell asleep suddenly suddenly.
- Immediately, the teacher from the school took the scooter to the Community Health Center, where after the treatment, the Mujudu doctor reappeared in nearby hospital. Where the doctors declared that dead.
- Seeing the open eyes of the teen before performing the funeral, the kin hope the person is alive again. After that, they took him to several hospitals.
Actually, the sports meet was going on in the school. Saturday morning at 10.15 am, the children of 11th were 200 meters running.
- At the end of the race, the students, who came to number three, fell asleep suddenly suddenly.
- Immediately, the teacher from the school took the scooter to the Community Health Center, where after the treatment, the Mujudu doctor reappeared in nearby hospital. Where the doctors declared that dead.
- Seeing the open eyes of the teen before performing the funeral, the kin hope the person is alive again. After that, they took him to several hospitals.
- At all places when the child was declared dead, then after 8 hours, the child's last rites could be performed.
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