The fight between comedian Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover remained in the limelight for a long time. Kapil regretted his actions but Sunil did not join the show again. However, according to the report of a popular website, Kapil can now bring together a new show with Sunil Grover. Kapil is currently waiting for Sunil Grover to return from Canada. He said, "Sunil and I have not met for a long time but we talk about chat.
Kapil spoke to him and said, "There is no conversation with anyone yet. Yes, I will definitely bring a comedy show but with whom and what kind of show it will be, it is not a dice till now. I still have to talk to old co-stars, but not in connection with work. Right now I am focusing on my film and after that I will think about something. All of my co-stars have just lived in other shows. So nothing has been decided so far
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