Actress Roy Laxmi's film 'Julie 2' is going to be released on Friday, October 24. Before filming, a lavamaking scene of the movie has been leaked. The people had raised objection on the film's hot scene. But the censor board has allowed the film to release without any cuts.
The censor board gave the film a certificate. Viewers are also desperate to see Roy Laxmi's bold avatar. But before that Lakshmi's tremendous intimate scene has leaked. In this scene, Lakshmi is also setting fire to the winter.
In this leak scene, Lakshmi is seen intimate with her coaster. In another scene, Roy Lakshmi looks smiling at Bikini. For the first time, Rai Lakshmi has had such a bold look in a film.
Roy Laxmi is also shocked after the leak of this film is leaked. He said about this, 'I am in the promotion of the film. I do not know that such a scene has leaked. This is not the right thing. There is someone who does not want me to earn good on the box office.
The censor board gave the film a certificate. Viewers are also desperate to see Roy Laxmi's bold avatar. But before that Lakshmi's tremendous intimate scene has leaked. In this scene, Lakshmi is also setting fire to the winter.
In this leak scene, Lakshmi is seen intimate with her coaster. In another scene, Roy Lakshmi looks smiling at Bikini. For the first time, Rai Lakshmi has had such a bold look in a film.
Roy Laxmi is also shocked after the leak of this film is leaked. He said about this, 'I am in the promotion of the film. I do not know that such a scene has leaked. This is not the right thing. There is someone who does not want me to earn good on the box office.
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