The controversy started with the shooting of the film Padmavati has become more and more as soon as the release date approaches. Karani Senna has said that the reward of five crore rupees on the nose of the film's actress has been given. There are protests in many cities of the country including Rajasthan. The Chittaurgarh fort was also closed on Friday.
Padmini Palace built right now has been renovated from the inside. Which was transformed according to the poetry of Malik Mohammad Jaisi, about 150 years ago in the original form.
- According to Dr. Al Jain, Rani Padmavati lived in this palace. The palace with them had the most beautiful women of the princely state. Of which Padmavati was also one.
Along with this, Al Jain told that the glass in the palace was planted only during the Renovations. Because there is no evidence of Queen Padmavati's story showing Aks.
- It is being said that Rani Padmini Mahal is mentioned in the 13th century from the time of Raja Ratan Singh. It is not mentioned before
Padmini Palace built right now has been renovated from the inside. Which was transformed according to the poetry of Malik Mohammad Jaisi, about 150 years ago in the original form.
- According to Dr. Al Jain, Rani Padmavati lived in this palace. The palace with them had the most beautiful women of the princely state. Of which Padmavati was also one.
Along with this, Al Jain told that the glass in the palace was planted only during the Renovations. Because there is no evidence of Queen Padmavati's story showing Aks.
- It is being said that Rani Padmini Mahal is mentioned in the 13th century from the time of Raja Ratan Singh. It is not mentioned before
- It was made between water to enhance the beauty of this palace. By which Rani Padmavati can see his axes in water. Whose architect gets to see Rajasthani and Persian workmanship
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