Acharya Balakrishna, managing director of Patanjali Ayurveda has recently shared some photos on social media, in which he is accompanied by Baba Ramdev. Please tell that this photo is quite old, that Acharya Ramkrishna is found in the old house of Assam
Five people are seen in the photo shared by Acharya Balakrishna.
- Swami Ramdev, Acharya Karmaveer, Veeranath Yogi from the right side and Acharya Balkrishna on the left are standing in the photo.
- Baba Ramdev is wearing white clothes in this photo and black sunglasses wearing sunglasses are worn.
- In the caption of this photo, he has written that these photographs have been received from the old houses of Nalbari Bodoland, 19 nabandhas.
- This photo was shared by Balkrishna on his Twitter account.
Five people are seen in the photo shared by Acharya Balakrishna.
- Swami Ramdev, Acharya Karmaveer, Veeranath Yogi from the right side and Acharya Balkrishna on the left are standing in the photo.
- Baba Ramdev is wearing white clothes in this photo and black sunglasses wearing sunglasses are worn.
- In the caption of this photo, he has written that these photographs have been received from the old houses of Nalbari Bodoland, 19 nabandhas.
- This photo was shared by Balkrishna on his Twitter account.
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