Pulam Dhillon's daughter Paloma recently became a 22-year-old popular actress. Born on November 15, 1995 in Mumbai, Paloma is currently studying at Jamnabai Narsee School. Paloma is quite active on social media. She ever shares photos with Instagram, sometimes with her mother, sometimes with friends. Their Instagram account is full of Vacation, Party and Holiday Photos.
Actress Poonam married film producer Ashok Thakaria in 1988, in films like Trishul (1978), Kala Patthar (1979), Noori (1979). However, both were separated in 1997. The couple has two children: Anmol and Paloma. The daughter is younger in both children.
Actress Poonam married film producer Ashok Thakaria in 1988, in films like Trishul (1978), Kala Patthar (1979), Noori (1979). However, both were separated in 1997. The couple has two children: Anmol and Paloma. The daughter is younger in both children.
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