Right now, world number two and India's number one Test bowler Ravindra Jadeja is returning to action once. In the Test match against Sri Lanka starting on Thursday, they will once again look at the field. Today, Jadeja, who became a star cricketer, had made up his mind to quit cricket after an accident that happened 12 years ago. His mother died in an accident in 2005.
When Ravindra Jadeja was 17, his mother died in an accident. With that they had broken so much that cricket was about to leave.
- Son became a cricketer It was his mother's dream. Then Jadeja completed the journey on the sister's say.
- Since the mother's leaving, elder sister Naina Jadeja is playing the role of a mother in her life.
He had inspired Jadeja out of the shock to go back to cricket.
When Ravindra Jadeja was 17, his mother died in an accident. With that they had broken so much that cricket was about to leave.
- Son became a cricketer It was his mother's dream. Then Jadeja completed the journey on the sister's say.
- Since the mother's leaving, elder sister Naina Jadeja is playing the role of a mother in her life.
He had inspired Jadeja out of the shock to go back to cricket.
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