'Actor Saurabh Pandey, who played the role of Lord Krishna in 'Suryaputra Karna' (2015), has married his longtime girlfriend on Sunday, 28th November. Recently, both of the wedding photos have appeared, in which Jara is wearing a red and silver color cloak. Saurabh is in white and red color in Shervani, both are looking good together
The engagement of Saurabh-Zara happened two days before marriage ie, on November 26.
- On the very next day of the Engagement Ceremonies, Mehdi Ceramani Organization of both of them was done. Only the selected family members were involved.
- Saurabh's best friend and TV actor Gurmeet Chaudhary, along with wife Debina Banerjee, was included in all the ceremonies of marriage. Say, Gurmeet and Debini played the role of Ram-Sita in the TV show 'Ramayana' (2008-09)
The engagement of Saurabh-Zara happened two days before marriage ie, on November 26.
- On the very next day of the Engagement Ceremonies, Mehdi Ceramani Organization of both of them was done. Only the selected family members were involved.
- Saurabh's best friend and TV actor Gurmeet Chaudhary, along with wife Debina Banerjee, was included in all the ceremonies of marriage. Say, Gurmeet and Debini played the role of Ram-Sita in the TV show 'Ramayana' (2008-09)
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