Model and Actress Priya Sachdev got married this year with Karishma Kapoor's X Hussband Sanjay Kapoor. This is Sanjay Kapoor's third marriage. Both were dating for the past several years. Please tell that Priya Sachdev is the ex-wife of hotel owner Vikram Chatwal. Vikram and Priya married in 2006 at Jagmohanar Palace, Udaipur. This marriage had created history at that time for ten days. This royal marriage is counted among the most expensive weddings in the world
600 guests from 126 countries were involved in a 10-day marriage ceremony in Delhi, Mumbai and Udaipur. 100Cr was spent in this marriage.
- Most of the guests who had attended the wedding had arrived from Chartered Jet. The big celebrities like Shahrukh Khan and rapper Didi were seen in this marriage.
- In this royal wedding, guests were present as the Guest of Honor, from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to former US President Bill Clinton.
- Model Patricia Velasqued, model Naomi Campbell, industrialist Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, Prince of Greece and Dharmaguru Deepak Chopra were also included.
- The royal wedding costing hundreds of crores does not last long. In 2011, after the crack in the relationship between Priya and Vikram Chatwal, they separated.
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