TV actor Akash Suryavanshi aka Siddharth Suryavanshi, who debuted with TV show 'Kasauti Zindagi Ki', has tied up with his long time Russian girlfriends Alessia Raut on November 23. Recently Kapal's wedding photos have come up in which both of them are seen in the Gorgeous Look. In the wedding, Anand wearing light blue color Shervani and Alessia wearing Pink and Blue Color Golden Work cloth. In marriage both leoplock and enjoy watching
In front of the wedding photos, Anand is seen dancing hardly.
- Anand has shared his video too.
- Let's say, for some reason last year, Anand has changed his name officially to Siddhartha Suryavanshi
In front of the wedding photos, Anand is seen dancing hardly.
- Anand has shared his video too.
- Let's say, for some reason last year, Anand has changed his name officially to Siddhartha Suryavanshi
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