Haryana police arrested the daughter of Baba Ram Rahim, who slept for 39 days of sleeping with the help of the Punjab Police. On Tuesday, at 3 pm, the police arrested him from Patiala-Girakpur highway and brought him to Panchkula's Sector-23 Chandimandir police station. Where he was kept under the supervision of the Women Police and was interrogated. However, Honeypreet did not make any big disclosures in the inquiry. At the same time, Honeypreet was hospitalized at one and a half o'clock in the afternoon.
Haryana Police's IG Mamta Singh questioned at Honeypreet police station on Tuesday night. On the same day, it will be presented in Panchkula's court on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the police has tightened the security around Panchkula and Panchkula Court premises. Vehicles coming to Panchkula are being monitored, and the nose is being searched for trains.
Haryana Police's IG Mamta Singh questioned at Honeypreet police station on Tuesday night. On the same day, it will be presented in Panchkula's court on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the police has tightened the security around Panchkula and Panchkula Court premises. Vehicles coming to Panchkula are being monitored, and the nose is being searched for trains.
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