Kader Khan, who plays different roles in many Bollywood movies, lives with his son and daughter in Canada these days. However, his health has slowed down and he has difficulty speaking. Recently, his daughter-in-law Shaista Khan told in an interview that his father-in-law, Kader Khan, had difficulty speaking. They only understand the things of them and son Sarfaraz. He told that Kadar Khan identifies everyone
Kadar Khan has become 79 years old. Bahu Shaista said that because of his age, he is worried. Well his health is fine. Shaista accompanies her two daughters, Sima and Hamza, as their children.
Kader Khan, who plays different roles in many Bollywood movies, lives with his son and daughter in Canada these days. However, his health has slowed down and he has difficulty speaking. Recently, his daughter-in-law Shaista Khan told in an interview that his father-in-law, Kader Khan, had difficulty speaking. They only understand the things of them and son Sarfaraz. He told that Kadar Khan identifies everyone
Kadar Khan has become 79 years old. Bahu Shaista said that because of his age, he is worried. Well his health is fine. Shaista accompanies her two daughters, Sima and Hamza, as their children.
Kadar Khan has become 79 years old. Bahu Shaista said that because of his age, he is worried. Well his health is fine. Shaista accompanies her two daughters, Sima and Hamza, as their children.
Kader Khan, who plays different roles in many Bollywood movies, lives with his son and daughter in Canada these days. However, his health has slowed down and he has difficulty speaking. Recently, his daughter-in-law Shaista Khan told in an interview that his father-in-law, Kader Khan, had difficulty speaking. They only understand the things of them and son Sarfaraz. He told that Kadar Khan identifies everyone
Kadar Khan has become 79 years old. Bahu Shaista said that because of his age, he is worried. Well his health is fine. Shaista accompanies her two daughters, Sima and Hamza, as their children.
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