In the police questioning of Gurmeet Ram Rahim's alleged daughter Honeypreet, IG Mamta Singh asked several sharp questions. Honeypreet kept answering these questions. Many times she also saw sweat punching. After arresting Honeypreet, Panchkula has been kept in the lockup of Chandimandir police station.
Mamta Singh, IPS officer of 1996 batch, points out that her father's uncle, Ghandhi Singh Arya, was the first IPS officer of the country, who had died in an encounter. After hearing the stories of their bravery, Mamta attracted the police service.
In her childhood, Mamta Singh wanted to be a doctor, but later she understood better to go to police service.
- Mamta Singh's husband is also an IPS officer (1990 batch), who is in the Haryana cadre. Mamta Singh has two daughters and a son.
Mamta Singh, IPS officer of 1996 batch, points out that her father's uncle, Ghandhi Singh Arya, was the first IPS officer of the country, who had died in an encounter. After hearing the stories of their bravery, Mamta attracted the police service.
In her childhood, Mamta Singh wanted to be a doctor, but later she understood better to go to police service.
- Mamta Singh's husband is also an IPS officer (1990 batch), who is in the Haryana cadre. Mamta Singh has two daughters and a son.
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