The CBI has questioned Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim, who has been serving a 20-year sentence in the Sadhvi Rape case, forcibly impotent for the seekers. On the order of the special court, the CBI investigating officers questioned this in Rohtak jail. During this period, the CBI questioned 30 questions in the matter of making impotent 400 people from Baba. At the same time, the medical checkup of Dera Sacha Sauda Chairperson Vipassana Innes was done by the panel board of three doctors of Sirsa Civil Hospital.
CBI questioned this on Tuesday. This question came to Baba when four people caught in the charge of provoking violence in Panchkula have been found to be impotent. He told Panchkula police that he was very close to the dera, so Baba made him impotent.
- The CBI has questioned this after taking the report of the four from Panchkula Police. In fact, around 400 people are accused of being impotent with Gurmeet Singh. Whose inquiries are being done by the CBI.
In this case, in the next few days the challan will also be offered to Panchkula Special CBI Court. In this case, some new names have also emerged. The CBI asked about four people recently caught by Baba What effect did these people have on that time?
CBI questioned this on Tuesday. This question came to Baba when four people caught in the charge of provoking violence in Panchkula have been found to be impotent. He told Panchkula police that he was very close to the dera, so Baba made him impotent.
- The CBI has questioned this after taking the report of the four from Panchkula Police. In fact, around 400 people are accused of being impotent with Gurmeet Singh. Whose inquiries are being done by the CBI.
In this case, in the next few days the challan will also be offered to Panchkula Special CBI Court. In this case, some new names have also emerged. The CBI asked about four people recently caught by Baba What effect did these people have on that time?
- What happened to them after becoming impotent? Now the CBI team will arrive in Ambala jail within a week. Here, the conspirator of Panchkula riot and will be questioning four people involved in the Dera chief's team.
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