Salman Khan's sister Arpita Khan gave a party at her Branda house on Friday night. Which included several celebrities. While everyone was enjoying the party, Salman's brother-in-law had a strange situation in front of him. So that they became a little uncomfortable. Actually Salman Khan's Rakhi sister Shweta Rohira reached the party with her best friend Big Boss X Contestant Eli Eravam.
The party was operating in the open living area of the house. When Shweta was leaving the party, then on the gate she faced her X-Husband Pulkit emperor. Pulkit was coming to the party at that time and seeing his X-wife in front, he became a little uncomfortable.
And Shweta began to stare at them. Just what was that, Shweta got out of the way with them, but both of them had been the subject of discussion in the party.
Significantly, both of them were married in November 2014, and after a year, both of them separated from this relationship.
The party was operating in the open living area of the house. When Shweta was leaving the party, then on the gate she faced her X-Husband Pulkit emperor. Pulkit was coming to the party at that time and seeing his X-wife in front, he became a little uncomfortable.
And Shweta began to stare at them. Just what was that, Shweta got out of the way with them, but both of them had been the subject of discussion in the party.
Significantly, both of them were married in November 2014, and after a year, both of them separated from this relationship.
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