'Meena Bazar' serial maker Rashmi Sharma was looking for a good face for the long-time lead act of the show. Rashmi Sharma wanted Hina Khan to make these serials, but Hina made her mind to go into the Big Boss 11. Many actresses had given auditions for the show 'Meena Bazar', in which Salman Khan's co-star actress Sneha Ullal was also involved, but this roll has now been rolled out by somebody else. Yes, no one else 'Descending' is the desire of the serial 'Tina Datta'.
According to Rashmi Sharma, the lead actress in this serial will be a sex worker. In the show, Tina Datta will play the role of a Bengali girl who is born in a red light area. He struggles to make a different identity in this world and passes through many challenges.
The first name of this serial was 'Taivife' which was later changed to 'Meena Bazar'. This serial meets the story of Rati Agnihotri and Rishi Kapoor starrer Taweef and the story of Salman Khan's film 'Baghi'.
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