Honey Singh, who disappeared from the film industry for a long time, recently shared a lot of things about himself and his illness. He told that the last 18 months was the worst phase of his life. However, now they are completely cured. Meanwhile, news is being heard that a publisher has offered Rs. 25 crore for writing biography and making biopic on Honey Singh. However, there is no confirmation on this from Honey Singh.
Honey Singh came to know about two years later and told that he did not want to send a spokesman to the people to tell about him.
According to Honey Singh, the last one and a half year time was the worst phase of his life. They were not in a condition to talk to anyone Honey Singh said, "I knew that people are talking about me different types of things.
Honey Singh came to know about two years later and told that he did not want to send a spokesman to the people to tell about him.
According to Honey Singh, the last one and a half year time was the worst phase of his life. They were not in a condition to talk to anyone Honey Singh said, "I knew that people are talking about me different types of things.
- Someone says that due to drug overdose, I was sent to the Rehab Center. But there is nothing like that. Rather I was at my house in Noida. I have biopolar disorder. In alcohol addiction, the disease progresses rapidly.
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