Ramoji Film City has set up another set of Bahubali capital Mahishmati now for tourists. This decision has been taken on the demand of tourists on Deepawali festival. In the debuted Bahubali film, the set of Mahishmati was made by spending Rs 35 crores. In this, 500 artisans worked for 50 days.
A special celebration is being held for tourists from Diwali holidays till October 29. Ramoji Film City has been decorated for this.
- Pawan Kumar, manager of Ramoji Film City, told that there are currently 10 to 15 thousand tourists daily.
- Ramoji Film City, 50 km away from Hyderabad, is spread over 1666 acres and there is also a court of Ram of Mahabharata Sia along with the countryside, city, railway station, airport, police station.
- The name of the film city is included in the Guinness Book of World Records. Most of the scenes of Bahubali Bahubali-2 are shot in the Ramoji film city. About 2000 films have been shot here.
A special celebration is being held for tourists from Diwali holidays till October 29. Ramoji Film City has been decorated for this.
- Pawan Kumar, manager of Ramoji Film City, told that there are currently 10 to 15 thousand tourists daily.
- Ramoji Film City, 50 km away from Hyderabad, is spread over 1666 acres and there is also a court of Ram of Mahabharata Sia along with the countryside, city, railway station, airport, police station.
- The name of the film city is included in the Guinness Book of World Records. Most of the scenes of Bahubali Bahubali-2 are shot in the Ramoji film city. About 2000 films have been shot here.
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