Kangana Ranaut film Manikarnika is shooting in the city these days. Meanwhile, photoshoot was done for a magazine at Amer Palace. For this photo shoot, when foreign models wear saris on jeans and came to Aamir Mahal's Diwan-i-Aam, everybody present there looked surprised at them.
In any case, there is no fashion photoshoot anywhere in the city, but during the shooting of Kangna's upcoming movie, A Magazine's PhotoShoot became the subject of curiosity.
- Here foreign models wearing jeans under saris wearing photoshoot All this was happening for any foreign magazine and was part of the preparation for the shoot.
In any case, there is no fashion photoshoot anywhere in the city, but during the shooting of Kangna's upcoming movie, A Magazine's PhotoShoot became the subject of curiosity.
- Here foreign models wearing jeans under saris wearing photoshoot All this was happening for any foreign magazine and was part of the preparation for the shoot.
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