A few days ago, Kangana Ranaut had said a lot about Hrithik Roshan, Aditya Pancholi in a TV interview. He had made many allegations on both of them, after which Aditya Pancholi had come in the media against Kangna, but Hrithik thought it right to be silent. Although Hrithik could not stop himself from speaking too much the day, and a few days ago, he had shared a letter on social media, in which he was seen defending himself. After which, on behalf of Kangana Ranaut, his Loyar Rizwan Siddiqui has filed a case against Ritti under Section 151 and 149 of the CrPC
Lt. Mahesh Jethmalani of Hrithik had complained to the police on this whole issue in April. In the statement, Hrithik had told that Kangana had stocked them and sent sexual mails as well. Significantly, Kangana has said a lot about Hrithik in an interview, while for the first time, Hrithik will openly talk about it in an interview.
Lt. Mahesh Jethmalani of Hrithik had complained to the police on this whole issue in April. In the statement, Hrithik had told that Kangana had stocked them and sent sexual mails as well. Significantly, Kangana has said a lot about Hrithik in an interview, while for the first time, Hrithik will openly talk about it in an interview.
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