On Tuesday, a prayer meeting was held in Shree Mandal, located at Santacruz West, Kundan Shah (69), director of the popular film 'Jaane Jaa Di Yaro'. In which Shahrukh Khan arrived with his manager Pooja Dastlani. Apart from them, Anupama Chopra, filmmaker Aziz Mirza, Amol Gupte, Sudhir Mishra, Sulbha Arya, comedian Sunil Pal were present in many Bollywood Celeb Prayer Meetings. Kundan was killed on October 7 in a heart attack in his Mumbai-based house. His daughter confirmed this news himself
Kundan Shah directed the TV show 'Nukkad' (1986) and 'Wagle Ki World' (1988).
- His last release was from 2014 'P to PM' in the film.
- He studied at Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. Shah is known for introducing a satirical comedy in Hindi cinema.
Shah was given the National Film Award besides the Indira Gandhi Award for the first film 'Jaane Jaa Dao Yaro'.
Kundan Shah directed the TV show 'Nukkad' (1986) and 'Wagle Ki World' (1988).
- His last release was from 2014 'P to PM' in the film.
- He studied at Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. Shah is known for introducing a satirical comedy in Hindi cinema.
Shah was given the National Film Award besides the Indira Gandhi Award for the first film 'Jaane Jaa Dao Yaro'.
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