Big Boss-11 'is going to be the new Captain of Contestants soon. In this connection, on Wednesday, a luxury tactic was made between the contestants, in which the Blue Team of Arshi Khan, Akash Dadlani, Punish Sharma, Bandagi Kalra, Jyoti Kumari and Vikas Gupta won the team. The new captain will be nominated soon
Dinkachu Pooja had left the task in the middle of the blaze of the Blue team, and the red team lost the game because of this.
- After going inside the house, the pooja starts crying and crying that they never wanted to come in 'Big Boss'. That's why he even made the makers clear.
Pujya, "When the makers offered me the show again and again, I felt that many fans want to see me, so I am being approached repeatedly, that is why I said yes and came to the show. . "
Dinkachu Pooja had left the task in the middle of the blaze of the Blue team, and the red team lost the game because of this.
- After going inside the house, the pooja starts crying and crying that they never wanted to come in 'Big Boss'. That's why he even made the makers clear.
Pujya, "When the makers offered me the show again and again, I felt that many fans want to see me, so I am being approached repeatedly, that is why I said yes and came to the show. . "
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