Naga Chaitanya, son of Nagarjuna, son of superstar Nagarjuna and actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu, after being in a relation for many years, is now bound to get married. Both will be married on October 6. According to the reports, in this two-day marriage, about Rs 10 crore will be spent. Wedding rituals will be in W Hotel, Vagator Beach, Goa. Marriage will be according to the customs of both Hindu and Christian religions. Wedding guards have also come out.
After marriage, Samantha and Naga Chaitanya will complete the shooting of their films and after that they will go on a 40-day long honeymoon. There are reports that both of these honeymoons can also be of 2 months. After returning from honeymoon, Samantha will begin shooting of Shiva Kartikeyan's untitled film. Please tell that Samantha will also be seen in the film "Raju Gari Garhi 2" (October 13). In-law, father-in-law Nagarjuna is also working with him. This is the sequel to the movie that was released in 2015.
After marriage, Samantha and Naga Chaitanya will complete the shooting of their films and after that they will go on a 40-day long honeymoon. There are reports that both of these honeymoons can also be of 2 months. After returning from honeymoon, Samantha will begin shooting of Shiva Kartikeyan's untitled film. Please tell that Samantha will also be seen in the film "Raju Gari Garhi 2" (October 13). In-law, father-in-law Nagarjuna is also working with him. This is the sequel to the movie that was released in 2015.
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