There is a 6-day break between the ODI and T20 series against Australia. During this, Indian Captain Virat Kohli shot a chat show. In this he talked about personal life. Virat also disclosed about the actress girlfriend Anushka Sharma about her which she liked the most and what habit of her does not look good to her. Please tell that this chat show will come before Diwali.
The best thing about Anushka is that she is a true and caring, but what I do not like about her is that she is late. They always lie 5-7 minutes.
- Let's say Virat Kohli and actress Anushka Sharma have long been in the relationship. The news of the breakup of both of them came in the beginning of 2016.
The best thing about Anushka is that she is a true and caring, but what I do not like about her is that she is late. They always lie 5-7 minutes.
- Let's say Virat Kohli and actress Anushka Sharma have long been in the relationship. The news of the breakup of both of them came in the beginning of 2016.
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