Recently, the new photo of Shahrukh Khan's daughter Suhana and younger son Abiram has been revealed. Both are seen in the photo sunbathing on the ship. Suhana, while the tubes are in the floral top, Abram is seen wearing a white T-shirt goggles. Along with Suhana also has a friend
Gauri Khan recently shared the new photo of Beti Suhana. In which Suhana is wearing a white transporter work top on Blue Bikini.
- With this dress they have put lipstick on light makeup and red shed. Which is giving them a quite stylish look.
- Gauri has given this photo caption "Here's looking at you, kid". Tell Suhana is mostly away from Limelight, though he is seen to be party with Ananya, daughter of Best Friends Chunky Pandey and Sanjay Kapoor's daughter Sanaya.
Gauri Khan recently shared the new photo of Beti Suhana. In which Suhana is wearing a white transporter work top on Blue Bikini.
- With this dress they have put lipstick on light makeup and red shed. Which is giving them a quite stylish look.
- Gauri has given this photo caption "Here's looking at you, kid". Tell Suhana is mostly away from Limelight, though he is seen to be party with Ananya, daughter of Best Friends Chunky Pandey and Sanjay Kapoor's daughter Sanaya.
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