ये है दुनिया का सबसे बेकार हवाई अड्डा, देखकर चोंक जायेंगे

You might have heard about the world's largest, most grand, most busy airports, but have you ever heard of the world's most useless airport.

This airport is on the British Atlantic Saint Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean ... This area is far from the densely populated area. It is located at a distance of 50 km from the southwestern coast of Africa. The Ascension Island is near all this, which American Air Force uses.

There are greens, mountains and tranquil surroundings on this island. St. Helena has its own historical importance too. It was first discovered by the Portuguese in 1502. Which was captured by Britain during the 17th century. On this island, the British held hostage Napoleon Bonaparte, who was the ruler of France.

Let Stella know that Saint Helena is currently home to over 4,500 people. It is a volcanic island, which is built between rugged terrain and between 500 to 700 meters long rocks. There is an airport here but it was not in use yet. The first commercial flight started from this airport on Saturday.
