Shahid Kapoor is still busy shooting for the film 'Padmavati', which will be released on December 1. Shahid will be seen in the role of Maharajal Ratan Singh, who is the husband of Rani Padmavati. For a long time, Shahid was seen in the same character's look, that is, long hair and increased beard. But recently they have been spotted in the new look at the airport. He has made the hair smaller and left his beer look and has become clean shave. However, he kept his face covered with scarves in the meantime, so that no one could see his look. Let me tell you that it has been confirmed a few days back that Shahid will be seen in Shri Narayan Singh's film, 'Batti Gul Meter Current'. Perhaps Shahid's look is for this film.
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