कपड़े धोने को खोला था वॉशिंग मशीन, अंदर जो छिपी बैठी थी देखकर चोंक जायेंगे

As the human being is cutting the jungle, the animal humans are coming into an area. In a case unfolded in South China, the woman was shocked when she opened the washing machine to wash the dirty laundry of her house. The machine weighed 26 kg was hidden inside the machine

A woman named Miss Zhang, who lives in Batti village of Chaozhou Province in China, flew away when she opened a washing machine to wash clothes. As soon as he lifted the lid of the machine, he noticed that there was something in the middle of the machine. At first he felt that he was a bedsheet, but when he started moving, the woman was scared. He later saw that a snake was sitting inside. The lady immediately made a call at the Local Animal Rescue Center. He said that this snake boa constrictor, which has been kept in the protection category under Chinese law. The snake was taken away in the sack.
