Amitabh Bachchan's first love was not Jaya Bachchan or line, but the British girl ICR, working in the ICI Chandra (name changed). Both used to work in Kolkata itself. Amitabh received 1500 rupees and 400 rupees per month for Chandra. Big B wanted to marry him too. But no matter what happened, Big B had left the job and Kolkata both came to Mumbai. His 26-day salary was cut at that time. Later that girl married the Bengali actress Famous Actor. It is to say that his friend Dinesh Kumar, who has worked with Amitabh for three years in Blackburn and Company According to Dinesh, till the girl refused Amitabh's marriage, there was no relation with that Bengali artist
Amitabh is going to celebrate his 75th Birthday on October 11. In the last 74 years, a lot has been written about every aspect of his life. But in the sixties, few people know about the events related to their stay in Kolkata for a job.
Amitabh is going to celebrate his 75th Birthday on October 11. In the last 74 years, a lot has been written about every aspect of his life. But in the sixties, few people know about the events related to their stay in Kolkata for a job.
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