हजारों साल पहले भी होते थे एयर कंडीशनर, देखकर दंग रह जायेंगे

You would be surprised to know but there were air conditioners even thousands of years ago. To avoid the burning heat and hot heat, these ac used in the palaces. It sounds really awkward but it's true. In Persia it was discovered during 4000 BC and its name was named Yakhchal. They were made up of most palaces and houses which produced so much coolness that do this today's time

This domed structure made up of houses was made from the material named Saroj, which is a water registrant. Saroj was made from eggs, ash, goat hair, clay and lime. Its specialty was that it did not allow the heat to last, due to which it started to cool down after pouring water. In the small holes formed in it the air comes in and cools down and settles down.
