Many Bollywood celebs have given their opinion on the controversy over Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut. Shekhar Suman has also disclosed another in this matter. In a recent interview he said that Kangana loved one-sided with Hrithik. There was no interest in Hrithik's Kangna.
Shekhar Suman has said in an interview given to the Spot Boy, however, I do not think the dispute between Kangna and Hrithik is a never ending topic. Hrithik should have talked long in this matter but he kept quiet.
People say kangana is successful, success comes from behavior. You have won an Oscar but this does not mean that you will use abusive words for someone else.
Khur Suman said, "I was very worried about my son's study and will be there too. I have only one son and it is my duty to speak for my son."
Taking a beating on Kangana's phone and not giving a cyber cell to her laptop and phone, Shekhar Suman said, "I had gone out, no, a monkey came and ran away ... that water fell in it ... that broke Gaya.
He said, "Kangana does not have a photo which can prove that she was in a cold relationship with Hrithik for seven years. There was no talk of them during this period, nor did she get a message, There is no one who takes the letter ... "
Shekhar Suman has said in an interview given to the Spot Boy, however, I do not think the dispute between Kangna and Hrithik is a never ending topic. Hrithik should have talked long in this matter but he kept quiet.
People say kangana is successful, success comes from behavior. You have won an Oscar but this does not mean that you will use abusive words for someone else.
Khur Suman said, "I was very worried about my son's study and will be there too. I have only one son and it is my duty to speak for my son."
Taking a beating on Kangana's phone and not giving a cyber cell to her laptop and phone, Shekhar Suman said, "I had gone out, no, a monkey came and ran away ... that water fell in it ... that broke Gaya.
He said, "Kangana does not have a photo which can prove that she was in a cold relationship with Hrithik for seven years. There was no talk of them during this period, nor did she get a message, There is no one who takes the letter ... "
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