Actress Daisy Shah, who worked with Salman Khan in 'Jai Ho', was present in Delhi on Wednesday in connection with the promotion of her romantic comedy 'Ram Ratan'. During this, he told that "I do not take permission to film Salman Khan, but I take Adewar definitely. He has many years of experience. Before the movie, I talk to them on the subject. I do not care about it
Daisy said, "I had talked with Salman about the role of my upcoming movie." Only after his advice did I roll in it. Many times it happens when Salman refuses to do any roll. In my upcoming romantic comedy movie, my character is of a Modern Housewife. In this, I make a plan against my husband who is a bang and after that everything goes into comedy. Half Part of the film focuses on Rajpal Yadav and Satish's comedy
Daisy said, "I had talked with Salman about the role of my upcoming movie." Only after his advice did I roll in it. Many times it happens when Salman refuses to do any roll. In my upcoming romantic comedy movie, my character is of a Modern Housewife. In this, I make a plan against my husband who is a bang and after that everything goes into comedy. Half Part of the film focuses on Rajpal Yadav and Satish's comedy
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