Team India's star balloonist Bhuvneshwar Kumar is in the discussion these days. In fact, he recently shared a photo share with his upcoming Better Half. His name is Nupur Nagar. However, he did not give some information except the name Talk about Bhubaneswar's personal life, this star baller of Team India is living in UP's Meerut and has reached here after a lot of difficulties.
Bhubaneswar Kumar was born on 5 February 1990 in Meerut, UP. His father's name is Kiranpal Singh, who has been a Sub Inspector in the UP Police. The mother's name is Indresh, who is from the small village near Bulandshahr.
- The biggest credit for making Bhuvi a cricketer is his elder sister, who had taken cricket coaching for the first time at the age of 13.
Bhubaneswar's interest was in cricket since childhood, but due to being in the police, his father did not have time. At the same time, his mother had no information about cricket. After this, seven years older sister Rani saw his brother's talent and he took him to the cricket stadium for the first time.
- Line first took Bhubaneswar to the stadium with him, which was about 7-8 km from his house. In the initial period, he used to accompany his sister to the stadium.
When he had to buy some cricket items, he used to go with his sister. Even his sister had told Bhubaneswar teachers that they would not put too much pressure on them to study.
Because of his father's job transfer, Bhuiy's sister took full care of his studies and cricket coaching. Even his sister used to discus about his progress with the cricket coach.
Bhubaneswar Kumar was born on 5 February 1990 in Meerut, UP. His father's name is Kiranpal Singh, who has been a Sub Inspector in the UP Police. The mother's name is Indresh, who is from the small village near Bulandshahr.
- The biggest credit for making Bhuvi a cricketer is his elder sister, who had taken cricket coaching for the first time at the age of 13.
Bhubaneswar's interest was in cricket since childhood, but due to being in the police, his father did not have time. At the same time, his mother had no information about cricket. After this, seven years older sister Rani saw his brother's talent and he took him to the cricket stadium for the first time.
- Line first took Bhubaneswar to the stadium with him, which was about 7-8 km from his house. In the initial period, he used to accompany his sister to the stadium.
When he had to buy some cricket items, he used to go with his sister. Even his sister had told Bhubaneswar teachers that they would not put too much pressure on them to study.
Because of his father's job transfer, Bhuiy's sister took full care of his studies and cricket coaching. Even his sister used to discus about his progress with the cricket coach.
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