अपने बच्चों को हमेशा के लिए दूर जाते देख ऐसे रोए माता-पिता

Four youths abandoned the worldly temptations and took Sanyas after taking initiation from Jain muni humble sea. The four youths abandoned their clothes and jewelery. Parents of these youths have sent the crying monks to the youth. After the retirement, the names of all the youth have also changed. People from Jain society who came from many cities of the country participated in this initiation program.

- Devi Jain and Anuradha Jain, along with Sambhay Jain, Shubham Jain of Farojabad, had announced their retirement a long time ago. The Diksha program was held on Sunday in Gwalior.

- Jain Sadhvis initiated the initiation with 4 Muni, Acharya humble Sagar of the Jain society, Acharyashree Decision Sagar Na Muni Sagar Sagar Muni Vineet Sagar

-Those young people first asked for permission to seek initiation from the people and their parents and relatives, on which they took their hands and approved their approval.
