Sunny Leoni and Arbaaz Khan starrer 'Tera waitar' trailer of upcoming movie has been released. Sunny and Arbaaz Khan are playing the role of love birds in the film. According to the story, Arbaaz, Sunny makes a photo of him before meeting him which he liked quite a lot. Both of them would be friends and they love each other. Twist in the story then comes when Arbaaz suddenly disappears and seeks help from Sunny people and gets stuck in new trouble
In the trailer where Sunny is seen romancing Arbaab with her, her item number will also be seen in the movie.
In the video, Sunny is seen to be tummy on her new item number 'I'm Sexy Barbie Girl'. Even before, Sunny has packed 'Baby Doll' item which was quite festive.
Besides this, some romantic songs of Sunny and Arbaaz have also been seen in the trailer.
In the trailer where Sunny is seen romancing Arbaab with her, her item number will also be seen in the movie.
In the video, Sunny is seen to be tummy on her new item number 'I'm Sexy Barbie Girl'. Even before, Sunny has packed 'Baby Doll' item which was quite festive.
Besides this, some romantic songs of Sunny and Arbaaz have also been seen in the trailer.
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