Haryana's stage dancer, Sapna Chaudhary, joined the 'Big Boss 11', which started on October 1, had impressed everyone with her dance performance in the premiere episode. The excitement of coming to the show was visible on the face of the dream, but perhaps now their mind is bored from this house.
In fact, in a recent video, the dream has been told by his co-contentist Jubair Khan that he wants to leave the show. This convergence happens in a garden area, where Zubair, Vikas Gupta, Priyank Sharma are saying to the dream, "Makers have brought every contestant in this show for some reason. Shilpa Shinde brought development together in the house Has proven that Show Runers need similar solid content. " In the meanwhile, the dream says, "I do not know why I have been brought to this show, but now I want to leave this show. There are many such things happening which I do not like."
However, after this statement, Zubair explains to the dream that he should not leave the show at all nor should himself estimate himself. Zubair says, "You have to learn to live in every situation. Do not lose courage."
In fact, in a recent video, the dream has been told by his co-contentist Jubair Khan that he wants to leave the show. This convergence happens in a garden area, where Zubair, Vikas Gupta, Priyank Sharma are saying to the dream, "Makers have brought every contestant in this show for some reason. Shilpa Shinde brought development together in the house Has proven that Show Runers need similar solid content. " In the meanwhile, the dream says, "I do not know why I have been brought to this show, but now I want to leave this show. There are many such things happening which I do not like."
However, after this statement, Zubair explains to the dream that he should not leave the show at all nor should himself estimate himself. Zubair says, "You have to learn to live in every situation. Do not lose courage."
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