Actor Suchitra Krishnamurthy, appearing in the movie 'Kabhi Ya Ya Na Nahi' (1994), under the #MeToo Campaign, has revealed that one of her friends had sexually abuzzaged her uncle in her house. Specifically, the girl was only 9 years old and Uncle's age would have been 40 years.
In a conversation with an English website, Suchitra said, "There was no one time sexual gratification with the friend, but for five years, she continued to suffer from this pain."
- "Just think, what will happen to the innocent when they mention the incident with the parents, and they refused to accept it. That mark of childhood remained with them even when it turned out to be 20 years old. "
- "My friend had gone in the depression, whenever she looked at Uncle in her surroundings, her childhood disturbing memories were fresh, for which she had to go to a psychiatrist."
In a conversation with an English website, Suchitra said, "There was no one time sexual gratification with the friend, but for five years, she continued to suffer from this pain."
- "Just think, what will happen to the innocent when they mention the incident with the parents, and they refused to accept it. That mark of childhood remained with them even when it turned out to be 20 years old. "
- "My friend had gone in the depression, whenever she looked at Uncle in her surroundings, her childhood disturbing memories were fresh, for which she had to go to a psychiatrist."
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