In the ongoing dispute with Akshay Kumar, now the daughter of journalist Vinod Dua and comedian Mallika Dua dragged her to her five-year-old daughter Nitara. Mallika has expressed her pain in her blog on Thursday. In it, he wrote, "Over 24 hours have passed and Akshay Kumar's fans are saying good-bye to me. It seems they are more than those who support their idol, who are women. Saying shamelessness considers your rights and says - so much fun
Recently a clip of 'Great Indian Laughter Challenge' was viral in the media, in which comedian Shyam Rangila was seen copying PM Modi. It was indicated by the vine that his selection has been done. But later it was said that he had to remove the Modi act from his Mimicry. Not only this, later this act was not telecast only.
- Mallika wrote in the blog, "When I played Golden Bell for this Contestant, Akshay Kumar was surprised to hear this statement that you play Bell, I play you."
- Was it just a humiliating act? No, it was enough to make anyone uncomfortable? Yes. If someone jokes the daughter of Akshay, he says, 'Nitraji, you play Bell, I play you' Then he What will be the reaction. "
- "This is what happened in my case too. My father noticed a leaked video and wondered how his daughter was being joking with her daughter on the workplace, even I ignored it, but she cleared it. , As he always does. He asked me individually what kind of woman or person I am. "
Recently a clip of 'Great Indian Laughter Challenge' was viral in the media, in which comedian Shyam Rangila was seen copying PM Modi. It was indicated by the vine that his selection has been done. But later it was said that he had to remove the Modi act from his Mimicry. Not only this, later this act was not telecast only.
- Mallika wrote in the blog, "When I played Golden Bell for this Contestant, Akshay Kumar was surprised to hear this statement that you play Bell, I play you."
- Was it just a humiliating act? No, it was enough to make anyone uncomfortable? Yes. If someone jokes the daughter of Akshay, he says, 'Nitraji, you play Bell, I play you' Then he What will be the reaction. "
- "This is what happened in my case too. My father noticed a leaked video and wondered how his daughter was being joking with her daughter on the workplace, even I ignored it, but she cleared it. , As he always does. He asked me individually what kind of woman or person I am. "
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